The thoughts behind the images
Colin Chase
Colin Chase grew up in Port Williams, Nova Scotia. Largely self-taught, he began snapping pictures with his trusty Kodak Instamatic while in elementary school. He soon graduated to 35mm and decided that he wanted to be a photographer when he grew up. His grade 9 English teacher, Harold MacLeod, taught him an appreciation of black and white photography and photo printing (and of really bad jokes). After 33 years as an educator, mostly in the Hants West area, he finally retired to be able to devote more time to photographing the beautiful scenery here in the Annapolis Valley.
Colin has participated in photography seminars and workshops presented by Freeman Patterson, André Gallant and Sherman Hines. In 1987 he won first prize and an honourable mention for two photographs in the ‘One Day in the Life of Halifax’ photo contest sponsored by Carsand Mosher Photographic. He won ‘Best Photograph Printed by Entrant’ in the 1988 Camera Canada College photo competition. He is a newly accredited member of Professional Photographers of Canada.
He is currently mentoring with Berwick photographer David James of OutTakes Photography, who holds a Master of Photographic Arts from PPOC. Colin has earned accreditation in Fine Art/Photo Décor with PPOC.
He is a founding member of the Tides Contemporary Art Gallery in Kentville which opened in November 2019. He is also a member of the viewPoint Gallery Photographic Art Cooperative, Halifax.
Colin resides in Kentville.